Necron Blackstone base painting guide

necron blackstone miniature wargaming base painting guide

In this base painting guide we'll show you a simple, effective way to get your Necropolis bases looking like eerie Necron Blackstone from the depths of their tomb worlds. We've used a 40mm sized base and gone with a traditional dark green colour scheme.

It's an effective look when combined with the angular panels and alien runes of our Necropolis range, and by changing the colours up you could easily do a Naggarythe/Naggarond Dark Elf base with purples and pinks, or an industrial hellscape suitable for Chaos Dwarfs with reds and oranges.

You will need:

  • Some good brushes for edge highlighting and base coating

Colours we used:

  • A dark undercoat (we used cheap car primer)
  • A spectrum of colours going from dark green to light green (we used Citadel Caliban Green, Warpstone Glow, and Moot Green)

Step 1: Dark Green

Take your darkest colour and a pointy-tip base coating brush and apply your first layer, we've used Citadel Caliban Green. Don't worry if it's applied too thick or too shaky, the next layer helps offset it. 

It might look a bit odd at this stage, but trust the process! The high contrast of the next set of highlights tricks your brain into blending this colour into the black basecoat.

Step 2: Mid Green

Take your middle colour, which should be a few shades lighter than your previous layer, and apply it to the edges of each panel with a thinner brush.

Fine lining these panels can be a little tricky without a steady hand, but the edges of our Necropolis range are very forgiving. Some things that can help:

  • Load up your brush and/or thin your paint so you can make longer strokes
  • Use a painting handle (or bluetack and the top of a paint pot if you're on a budget)
  • Move the base rather than the brush
  • Use the side of the brush rather than the tip

Don't worry about making all the lines the same thickness - that won't be noticed on the tabletop. Try and concentrate on making each straight line a consistent thickness.

Step 3: Final Highlight

The last stage is to apply your brightest colour to the corners. This extreme edge highlight will help sell the illusion of a spooky glow coming from deep within the translucent black panels. 

We've used Moot Green, and simply touch the loaded brush to the desired corner and draw the brush along the edge for a few millimetres, like a slow flick. This will give you a tapered effect to the brush stroke which emphasizes the corner to make it look sharper and deeper than it really is.

And you're finished!

What do you think? Would you like to see it in different colours, or on different sized bases? Let us know in the comments below or through our social accounts.

Follow us on TiktokInstagram and Facebook for more sneak peeks and work in progress from our painting bench.

Pick up your own Necropolis bases here and get experimenting!

@wargamemodelbases Painting Necron bases with just a few simple colours. Get yours here: #miniatures #hobby #terrain #warhammer #40k #painting #bases #warhammer40k #necron #necrons ♬ Beast Mode - ROKKA



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